Hours: (9-4)
Address: 35 Cedar Hill Road
Please join us in Dover for a fun fast paced one day estate sale.
Lots of treasures and vintage finds!!!!
Asian Antiques including a wonderful signed fan in a carved stand, lamps, porcelain
Oriental Carpets. Barometer, Great pair of Cat andirons with green eyes, old snowshoes, collection of elephants, Brazier, old pay phone…
Vintage Toys and games, 1939 child’s pinball, Tonka trucks, Metal farm thrasher, Lionel trains, child’s pool game, Hobby horse. Decoys.
Artwork, Oil Paintings, Watercolors (Carlton Plummer, Cailmour, Olive Jones and Prints. Also some Original Birdsey Watercolors.
Sterling Silver including 12 Gorham Sterling Goblets. Cut Glass. Copenhagen Collector Plates. Antique Hand Painted Limoge Fish Set and other porcelains including Royal Worcester Dinner Set, Limoges…Crystal Stemware and Wonderful Lalique crystal Bowl.
Decorative Lamps: Several Alabaster, Chinese, Toll, Brass…Furniture Including- Antique Chests, Desks, Tables, 6 Mahogany Chairs, Several sets of twin beds, several early drop-leaf tables, two inlaid console tables (one with the Bald Eagle inlay) ….
Upright Piano. Books. Linens, old lace, bell pull, bolts of fabric. Jewelry. Household Items. Garage and Yard selections. Plus many more surprises.
View full details at EstateSales.NET: https://www.EstateSales.NET/MA/Dover/02030/1322943
Be sure to drop by!!!!
Sale Hours: 9-4
Please drive and park with caution and respect to the neighborhood.
See you there!!!
Ellen and Joan