“Just Like New” Weston Two Day Estate Sale
Friday & Saturday
January 6-7
Plan to join us in Weston. A very grand home decorated with high quality furnishings and accessories.
All in “Just Like New Condition”. All priced to sell.
Living Room, Dining Room, Den, Breakfast Room, Office, Theater, Gym, Game room, Bedrooms, Pool House etc.
Furniture including Restoration Hardware
Pottery Barn
Crate and Barrel
Huntington House
Norwalk Furniture Company
All in mint clean condition.
Framed Artwork
Decorative Accessories
Franklin Mint Wizard of Oz Dolls
Custom Made Draperies
Quality in home theater seating
Extensive High End Gym Equipment-Bowflex etc
Weights. Rubber Interlocking Gym Flooring
Regulation Stiga Ping Pong Table
Foosball and Air Hockey tables
Christmas Trees, garlands and decorations
Brown Jordan & Frontgate patio furniture-
Several pieces. Chaises, Chairs, Tables, Tables, Cushions and more
Outdoor Heat lamps
Bistro sets
Stemware and Barware
Kitchen ware- Party Ware
Televisions and Electronics
Decorative Accessories
Linens etc.
Gym- Bowflex Revolution
Bowflex Treadclimber
Fitness Gear Weight Bench
Bowflex Dumb bell set and stand
Assorted weights
Foam tile gym flooring
Media Room- Assorted Electronics and overhead projection system
Custom sofa, large leather tufted ottoman
Swarovski crystal large scale figurines with original boxes
Withdrawn from sale-
Ping Pong Table
Dining Table
Air Hockey Table
Restoration Hardware cabinet
Joan-Ellen and Crew
Sale hours: 9-3
In the event of a severe storm- the sale will be held the following Friday & Saturday. January 13-14.
All Sales Final and/or subject to error or omission.
Credit cards accepted with a minimum purchase of $100.00. Please drive and park with caution and respect to the neighborhood.
Observe posted NO PARKING signs.
List Policy. We do not post a list !!!
We do not post a list. If you choose to start a list or add your name to a list- It is your responsibility to monitor and maintain the list. We will in most cases honor the list you have started as long as there are no issues. We will hand out entry numbers on Saturday morning beginning at 8 am. You must be present to get your number.
Sale opens at 9:00 am. Estate Sale Specialists is not responsible for any lists.
For more photos, updates and info- please visit http://estatesalespecialists.com/
Joan and Ellen
FrontGate Patio Furniture

Estate Sale Specialists
COMPLETED. January 2023- Just Like New in Weston. Two Day Estate Sale. Friday & Saturday. January 6-7