Saturday One Day Sale
April 30th
Eastbound off Route 9. Just past Mass Bay Community College
Please join us for this terrific sale featuring exquisite antique lamps, pristine antique and custom furnishings. This is a great time to furnish your home or adding unique distinctive items to your decor.
FURNITURE: Fantastic Inlaid Table, Immaculate antique Sofa with carvings, Federal Sofa in pristine condition, Regal Custom Breakfront, Ornate Occasional Tables, 6 Sheraton Style Chairs with well defined fleur de lis backs, Gadroon and inlaid Dining Room Table, Louis the XV Chairs, Hepplewhite style inlaid Console Table, Fantastic Flamed Veneer Mahogany Chest, Other Chests, Bureaus, Beds, Night Stands, Flat top Desk, Paine Governor Winthrop Desk, Small Burled mirror back server, Pair of Danersk Candle Stands, DemiLune Console Table, Antique 2 draw work Tables, Library Table, Wicker Desk, Iron Bench…
LAMPS: Pairpoint Reverse Painted Lamp, 2 Handel Reverse Painted Lamps, Slag Glass Lamp, Sandwich Glass Lamps, Crystal lighting…
CHINA, GLASS POTTERY: Austrian Ewer, Dinner Service by Limoges, Stemmed Goblets, Green with gold Glasses, Multi colored Cordials, Cut Crystal, Pair green etched covered Jars, Several pieces of Fairy Lustre by Wedgewood, Cocoa Set, Royal Worcester, Royal Doulton Punch Bowl, Villeroy and Boch…
ITEMS OF INTEREST: Several Oriental Rugs, Copper Bucket, Albums, CD’s, Flatware set by Remy, Linens, Anosina Tunis Clock, Old brass candlesticks, Jardinieres, Books, Beovox S45 Bang & Olufsen Speakers, Thorens TD 115 MKII Turntable, Kitchen, Fireplace, Kitchen…
ART: Lovely Oil of White Mountains, Asian Woodblocks, Many prints..
This is a partial list of the wonderful items to be sold.
Everything must be sold!!
See you there,
Joan and Ellen
All Sales Final and/or subject to error or omission.
Credit cards accepted with a minimum purchase of $100.00
Masks are encouraged. Social distancing is always encouraged.
Please drive and park with caution and respect to the neighborhood. Observe posted NO PARKING signs.
See you there, Joan and Ellen
Visit us at
List Policy. We do not post a list !!!
We do not post a list. If you choose to start a list or add your name to a list- It is your responsibility to monitor and maintain the list. We will in most cases honor the list you have started as long as there are no issues. We will hand out entry numbers on
Saturday beginning at 8 am. You must be present to get your number.
Sale opens at 9 am. Estate Sale Specialists is not responsible for any lists.

Estate Sale Specialists