Gorgeous Acton Estate Sale
Come visit us for this nice sale in Acton. Just in time to buy furniture and accessories before the family arrives at Thanksgiving. This 4000+ house boasts meticulous, famous and well known names ready for your own home.

FURNTIURE: INCREDIBLE Dining Room Set with Marble top Server, Breakfront, Double Pedestal, Dining room Table with Leaves and 8 Chairs by Universal. An ARHAUS Dinner Table and Chairs, ARHAUS Sectional Sofa in a pretty deep blue, A Miles Talbott Sectional, 2 ARHAUS Bar stools with custom Fabric, Sing Chair, Bedroom Furniture, Daybed Trundle, Book Shelves, Large Cabinet, Outdoor patio table and Chairs, Wicker Chairs with custom seats,…..
FUN AND GAMES: PERFECT FOR ENTERTAINING FOR EVERY AGE!! Lots of board games, Pokemon Cards, Boxes of Legos, Lincoln Logs, Tinker Toys, Video games including dozens for XBOX360 and console, Game Board Tables, Karaoke Machine, Fender Guitar and Music, KNEX, OF SPECIAL NOTE: A Huge Collections of Toy Trains collected for decades Atlas Gauge Trains and scenes, KATO, Tech11 Dual Power 2800 Transformer, KATO Unitrack, Over 100 assorted cars, Locomotives, Scenery, Tracks, People, Animals Truly an Amazing and Extensive Collection! Coca Color Collar, Foos Ball (VOLT), Easton Pool and Ping pong table with cue sticks, balls and paddles, Lacrosse Pitchback…
CHINA, GLASS, ETC: Sets of Wines, Entertaining Items, Platters, Dishes, Lladros, A lot to go through. Please keep checking back..
OBJECTS OF INTEREST: Fire pit, Treadmill by Nordic Track, Refrigerator, Grill, Rugs, Xmas, Citizens band Radio, Electronics, Clothes, Pocketbooks, Italian Clown, Art Work, Linens, Books, Records…
JEWELRY: A nice Assortment of men’s and women’s jewelry, a lot passed down through the family. Costume, Silver, Gold and Watches.
This is a very nice sale with high quality items.
All Sales Final and/or subject to error or omission.
Credit cards accepted with a minimum purchase of $100.00
Social distancing is always encouraged.
Estate Sale Specialists is not responsible for any sign up lists that may have been started. If you choose to put your name on a list, it is your responsibility and those of the other signees to monitor and maintain that list.
Please drive and park with caution and respect to the neighborhood. Observe posted NO PARKING signs.
Large shopping bags and large purses will not be allowed inside the home.
For frequent updates and additional images visit us http://estatesalespecialists.com/
See you there!!
Joan and Ellen