Old Time Country Estate Sale. Acton.
Friday and Saturday
September 10-11.
Antique Home and Two Barns.
All Filled with Treasures
Old Time Country Estate Sale in Acton
Friday and Saturday. September 10-11
Barn opens at 8
House opens at 9
In association with Bette Ann Weiner
Walden Street Antiques, Concord.
1865 Antique Farm House set on ten acres. This home has been occupied by the same family for well over fifty years. A ten room house, two barns and a horse farm surrounded by beautiful gardens in a bucolic setting.
Antiques, Artwork, Sterling Silver, Jewelry, Copper, Pewter and Brass. Farm Equipment, Horse Equipment, China, Crystal, Vintage and Antique Books, Vintage and Antique Clothing, Collectibles, Cameras etc.
Antiques & Furniture– Very Nice Antique Dutch Cupboard, Various chests, Candle stands, Pr Twin Beds, 12 draw pine cabinet, Bookcases, Upholstered Camel back sofa, Wicker porch set, Oak Roll Top Desk, Mahogany Dining Set with 8 chairs and matching sideboard. Antique desk with draws and cubbies, Old pine slant front desk, Starck Baby Grand Piano (with humidifier) , Antique Mirrors. Interesting Ship Portrait Tile Table, Old Globe on Iron Base, Pair of ladderback chairs with rush seats and much more.
Artwork- 19th century interior scene by Alexander Hugo Bakker Korf.(1824-1882) Netherlands. –Titled “The Invalid”. Sylvester Phelps Hodgdon, (moonlit seascape) A.F. Davis (Coastal scene with boats). D.A. Ratcliff )Coastal scene). T.M. Nicholas. Dock scene oil painting. Framed Prints– Max Kuehne Cathedral scene, Pileated Woodpecker by Havell, Dwight Shepler, Reynolds Beal- Ships at sea.
Other subjects include Birds, Boats, Historical, Horse and Hunting Scenes, 1776-1876 Centennial Memorial Document. Bermuda scenes. Large framed Tall ships. Birds Eye View of Boston. St. Albans VT 1858. Americas Schooner , 170 TONS Yacht Race. Eskimo scene by Henry Napertuck “The Eskimo and Beluga”. Plus much more.
Maps– Essex County, Acton- 1875 , Map – Scene of the Concord Fight (Published 1835). The Virginia Hunt Country etc.
Sterling Silver– Includes Gorham 3 pc tea set, Boxes, Paul Revere bowl and more.
Jewelry– Dasche Gold Ladies Wristwatch, Silver and Gold Earrings, Pins, Rings, Necklace, Micromosaic, Costume, Stop Watches..
China, Crystal and Glass:– Spode, Coalport, Lenox, Mottahedeh, Delft, Belleek, Wedgwood , Crocks, Hobnail, Waterford, Barware, Crystal, Assorted stemware, Vintage Glassware , Pottery, Stoneware, Transferware, Delft Bough Vase…
Collectibles– Chelsea Clock, Smith and Patterson Mantle Clock, Tantalus, Great Pair Art Nouveau Bronze Bookends and others, Small Bird Carvings, Yale Mug, Antique Bottles and Flasks, Vintage Toys and games, including Erector Set, Kitchen ware, Leather Fire Buckets, Musical Instruments, Lamps. Brass Fireplace equipment (screen, andirons, tools) Anchors, Mariposa, Converted to Electric Oil Lamps, Pipes including Meerschaum etc.
Asian– Gilt and Enameled box with cinnabar plaques. Asian Ladle with Oriental Design, Laquered Japanese Sewing Box with Inside compartments, Prints etc.
Oriental Rugs– Roomsize and Scatters. Various styles, patterns and sizes.
Also: Early Husun Sextant in case. Radio Tracker for Hound Dogs, Vintage Singer Sewing Machine Model 221 (in case and with accessories) Vintage MAC Computer, Cameras, Projectors and old film. Vintage Binoculars. Vintage Flags plus more.
Vintage Clothes– Early Clothes Late Victorian Early 20th. Wool 2 piece jacket and skirt, Several Blouses, Pantaloons, Muslin Skirts and Slips, Children’s, Old Wedding Dress, Yale Straw Hat, Men’s Bowlers, WW 2 Uniform, Hats from Bonwit Teller’s, Old Quilt, Tablecloths, Bed Coverings, Several Closets to go through…
Books– Antique Vintage and Newer. Many first Editions. Volumes and Sets. Gardening, Cook Books, Novels. Many many books and vintage games as well.
Porch: Wicker set, planters and various potted plants
In the Barn- Kubota Tractor L175 with Mowing and Shovel Attachments. Works. WITHDRAWN
Husquevana LTH 18538 riding lawn mower. Works. WITHDRAWN
Lawn Mower. GTS 135. Also works.
Two Dingy boats. One rowing, One sailing.
Meadowbrook Horse Cart
Antique Cart
Antique Manure Spreader
Many old bikes
20 ft Apple Picking Ladder amongst many other ladders.
Vintage Signs
Old Navy Uniform and gear
Collection of old Iron Horse Shoes
Old Nautical Charts.
Antique Ship lantern
Antique Car Parts
Early grinding stone
Snow Shoes
Tons of Tools- Vintage and Antique
Wheel barrels, Garden Tools
Old Pots- For your garden.
Several Gas cans
Dolls and Toys
It is endless !!!!
Garden: Cement Pots and Tons of Plants in the porch.
Truly something for everyone. Plenty of parking in the fields. See signs.
Barns will open at 8 am.
Come prepared to dig and explore. You will be glad you did.
World War II Scrapbooks and Propaganda
Kubota tractor and Husquevana riding mower are withdrawn from sale.
Sale hours: 9-3 Friday and Saturday. Barn opens at 8 am on both days.
All Sales Final and/or subject to error or omission. Credit cards accepted with a minimum purchase of $100.00
Social distancing is always encouraged.
Estate Sale Specialists is not responsible for any sign up lists that may have been started. If you choose to put your name on a list, it is your responsibility and those of the other signees to monitor and maintain that list.
Please drive and park with caution and respect to the neighborhood. Observe posted NO PARKING signs. Parking will be available in the fields. See Signs.
Large shopping bags and large purses will not be allowed inside the home.
For frequent updates and additional images
Visit us at http://estatesalespecialists.com/


COMPLETED. Old Time Country Estate Sale. Acton. September 10-11. Antique Home and Two Barns. All Filled with Treasures!!