Peter Max. Original Silkscreen. 1972 “Splitting”
Spring in Wayland. Two Day Estate Sale.
Friday and Saturday, April 23-24
Hours: 9-3
This is an in person estate sale!
We are excited to invite you to join us in Wayland. Claypit Hill neighborhood home will be the setting for this sale. The remaining contents to be sold.
Highlights will include-
Jewelry (gold, sterling, costume etc) Sterling silver, Watches. Compacts
China, Glass, Pottery: Large Haviland Fish Set with 12 Plates, Platter, Sauce dish, Tureen,Wedgwood, Royal Albert Coffee/Tea Set, Nippon Cocoa Set, Antique Hand painted Fruit Plates, Royal Worcester Dinner Set in the “Evesham” pattern, Lenox, Rudelstadt, Royal Doulton, Limoge Berry Set, A collection of Shelley Teacups, some 3 piece sets, Teapot, so much more….
Furniture: Couches and Loveseats, Upholstered chairs, Banquet Table, 12 Chairs, Spinet Desk, Governor Winthrop Secretary Desk, Walnut Love Seat, Hitchcock Dining Set, Wonderful old Windsor rocker with arms, Bedroom Furniture including, Chest, Bureaus, Night Stands (Hitchcock), Beds… Chinese Chippendale Style Settee, Old Dutch Hutch, Mahogany Display Cabinet, Card Table with great carved paw feet, Antique-Custom-Casual…
Artwork: Antique Oils- Landscapes, Ballerina, Village, Watercolor, Print by MAX, Framed posters, many frames…
Vintage Finds and Collectibles: Porcelain German Dolls including a Simon Halbig K*R, Dozens of Travel Dolls, Doll House, Doll House Furnishings, Doll Case marked TWA with Doll Clothes, 2 Vintage Portable Singer Sewing Machines with the accessories, Telechron Kitchen Clock, Swizzle Stick collection, Quilts, Antique Bedwarmer, Antique Fireplace equipment (Tools, Fenders, Andirons, …)Sad Irons, Cast Iron Pans including Griswold, Copper, Eickholt Paper weight, Antique Jydsk Phone, Cuckoo Clock, old books, more to find in attic…..
Rugs: Orientals, Broadloom, Hooked, …
Items of Interest: Fine Linens, Barstools, Kitchenware, Barware, Lamps, Mirrors, Outdoor Furniture, Vases, Vintage Chrome Ice Bucket, Pith Hat, Games, Christmas…
Garage: Snow blower, Wheel Barrel, Ladders, Garden Tools…
As you are all aware, in compliance with Mass Mandates masks must be worn, hand sanitizer is available, a limited amount of people allowed at a time for a limited stay, so that others may enjoy the sale.
This is an early notice. Please check back for continued updates.
There is a lot to go through, please keep checking back as we go through the house.
Sale hours: 9-3 Friday and Saturday. Numbers issued Friday only at 8:00 am.
Estate Sale Specialists is not responsible for any lists!!!!
All sales are final. All items subject to error omissions.
Credit Card purchases subject to $100.00 minimum purchase.
Visit us at
Look forward to seeing you.
Joan and Ellen.