Old Time Country Estate Sale
Friday and Saturday
October 23-24
Sale Hours: 9 to 3
By Estate Sale Specialist in association with Doug Stinson- Stinson Antiques
This sale will feature the entire contents of the country estate. Antique and Custom Furniture. Chests, Tables, Stands, Desks, Beds, Sofas, Chairs etc.
Oriental Carpets, Artwork, Collectibles, China, Crystal, Decorative Accessories, Pewter, Kitchenware, Vintage Items, Dolls, Tools. Plus a Barn and Garage!!!!
Still more to be discovered.
FURNITURE: A Wonderful Selection of Custom and Antiques collected over many years. Two lovely inlaid Hepplewhite Card Tables, Unusual Georgian Game Table, Two George III Chest on Chests, Early American and English Bowfront Chests, *** Signed Hindley and Sons, Oxford England Writing Table ***, Cupboards, Tables, Chairs, Brass/Iron Bed, Hitchcock Chairs, Lane Pine Country Table and 6 Chairs, Most unusual Neoclassical Bench, Several Wicker Sets, Iron Patio Set, Highboys, Several Country Pine Bureaus, Cottage Furniture, One Draw Stands, Drum Tables, so much more…….
ASIAN ITEMS: from 1920 and on… Porcelains, Enamelware, Ginger Jars, Bowls, Garden Barrels, Vases, Lamps, decorative accessories…
CARPETS: Persian, Orientals, Hooked, Dhuries, Various Sized, Patterns and Colors..
CHINA, PORCELAINS AND GLASS: Partial Lenox Dinner Service, Hand Painted, Transferware, Depression Glass, Waterford, Pressed, several sets of cut and overlay glasses, Orrefors, Very Fun Clown Liquor Decanter…..
ITEMS OF INTERESTS: Large selection of Various Pitchers, Silver-plated, Pewter, Porcelains, Victorian and earlier… Lamps, Fireplace, Dolls, Many Brass Items, Collection of Doorstops, Tall Clock with Arts and Craft Face, Vintage Kitchenware, Iron Patio Set, TV’s…
ART: Botanical Prints, Several Signed Oils, Quality framed Prints…
THE BARN: Lots of Items. We are still going through it all!! Tall (approx. 18 ft.) old lamp post, Lovejoy Log Splitter, Architectural Doors and Shutters…, Fence Posts, Commercial Wet Saw Champion, Vise, Tools, Ornamental Iron Grates (perhaps from a bank), Block and Tackle, Shank of Hemp Rope, Industrial Come a Long, Defiance Enamel Country Store Scale, Wooden Trunks, Columbia Vintage Tricycle, a Dozen Vintage School Baskets, 12 Vintage School Desks, Christmas, Old Fans, Barber Chair, 40 ft. ladder, Many boxes and areas not yet explored!!
The sale will also include three vehicles which will be sold via live auction during the estate sale. The vehicles will sell at 11 am on Saturday October 24. Vehicles will include Vintage Mercedes, Jaguar and BMW.
In addition-
The real estate will be offered along with a Riverfront Property on Pawtucket Boulevard (parcel 27-11) at auction on Sunday November 1 at 11 AM. Open houses will be scheduled to coincide with the estate sale.
The property will be sold in by Stanley J Paine Auctioneers in association with Douglas Stinson.
Much much more information and details will be coming very soon. This is an exciting opportunity and we are pleased to be presenting to you.
Ellen and Joan- Estate Sale Specialists
#1 – 1991 Jaguar XJS, 12, 8 Cylinders, 5.3L MFI SOHC 326 CID. VIN: SAJTW4843MC178856. Mileage: 52,188.
1991 Jaguar XJS 12, 8 Cylinders, 5.3L MFI SOHC 326 CID. VIN: SAJTW4843MC178856. Mileage: 52,188.
#2 – 2011 BMW 128i, 6 Cylinders, 3.0L FI DOHC 182 CID. VIN: WBAUP9C52BVL89803. Mileage: 69,543. Salvage Title.
2011 BMW 128i, 6 Cylinders, 3.0L FI DOHC 182 CID. VIN: WBAUP9C52BVL89803. Mileage: 69,543. Salvage Title.
#3 – 1967 Mercedes Benz 300 SEL, 2,996cc SOHC Inline 6-Cylinder Engine. Chassis no. 10901612000246. Mileage: 55,183 (88,808 km).
1967 Mercedes Benz 300 SEL, 2,996cc SOHC Inline 6-Cylinder Engine. Chassis no. 10901612000246. Mileage: 55,183 (88,808 km)
In addition- The real estate including the house and barn will be offered at auction on Sunday November 1.
Doug Stinson- Stinson Antiques
Stanley Paine- Paine Auctioneers
For more information regarding the Real Estate and or the vehicles-
Please contact Stan Paine 617-201-5242
Doug Stinson 617-834-3819

COMPLETED. Old Tyme Country Tyngsboro Estate Sale. Friday & Saturday Oct. 23-24. Plus Vehicles and Real Estate