The Estate of a Gentleman
Friday and Saturday- January 11-12
Kick start 2019 with us in Brookline
189 Walnut Street
A fine large two day Estate Sale. The home was continuously occupied by the same family from the 1920’s through the Depression, World War II to current times.
The contents reflect this time period plus family items that were inherited through the centuries.
This is an early notice. Be sure to check back for updates as they become available.
The sale to include:
Artwork- Oils, Watercolors, Etchings, Drawings, Photographs and Prints
Important New Hampshire Landscape by Alfred Thompson Bricher (1837-1908). Dated 1864.
Mountainous Landscape painting by William J. Kaula (1871-1953)
Early Ship Watercolor Portrait. Brig Old Colony 1833
Antique furniture including Empire Chests and Stands, Chippendale Chests, Morris Chairs, Banquet size dining table, Antique Tall clock, Roll Top Desks, Sewing Stands. Drop Leaf tables, Large gilt decorated mirror. Victorian Chairs. Eastlake Bookcases. Plus much more.
S.E.G. Art Pottery vase and others
Everett Piano Co. Boston. Upright piano with carved case.
Sterling Silver and Silver Plate. Jewelry and Watches. Coins.
Generous selection of Antique Oriental rugs. Roomsize and Scatters.
Vintage Cameras. Records.
Ship Models.
Shelf Clocks.
A very large selection of books.
Many many vintage toys and games.
Inlaid Music Box.
Pantry shelves are packed with vintage china, crystal, stoneware etc. Vintage cookware.
Trunks filled with toys, postcards and other goodies.
Clothing will include- Vintage Mens clothing, Ties and hats. Also Military Uniforms.
Basement is packed with tools, vintage bikes, marble, garden items, old lumber and more surprises to be discovered.
This is a very early posting and will be updated as we get closer. Be sure to check back.
We look forward to seeing you in 2019!!!
Ellen and Joan
For more photos and information please visit us at
Sale hours: Friday and Saturday (9-3)
Severe snow date: Sunday January 13
All items subject to error or omission.
Please drive and park with caution and respect to the neighborhood.
Just discovered – A cache of vintage posters rolled up and stored in a corner. Though not all in perfect condition- A few are in pretty good condition. Many of them are by by Latham Litho & Ptg Co.
Included are Travel Posters, Movie Posters, War Bonds, Advertising Bonds etc.
They are very delicate and will only be shown to interested parties so that they will not be excessively handled.
Titles of some of the posters
West Point. New York Central Lines. Frank Hazell. Latham Litho & Co
Niagra Falls, New York Central Lines . Frederic C Madan. Latham Litho &Co
Adirondack Mountains, Lake Placid. New York Central Lines. Walter Green. Latham Litho & Co
New York. The upper Bay from Lower Manhattan. Leslie Ragan. Latham Litho & Co.
Clear the Way !! Buy Bonds Fourth Liberty Loan. Howard Chandler Christy
Beat Back the Hun with Liberty Bonds . F. Strothmann
New Hampshire Ski Poster. Dwight Shepler
Also Beatles, Peter Max. Psychodelic.
Advertising- Including Brecks Flower Seeds
Movies including Gone with the Wind
Travel including Txchechoslowakei
Plus others