APRIL 1-2 , 2016.
Royalston Road
APRIL 1-2 Royalston Road
Estate Sale Specialists invite you to join us at this two day estate sale event to be held in Wellesley.
This home featuring fine quality furnishings and accessories. High End Gym Equipment a few surprises.
Be sure to drop by!!!
Wonderful Fruitwood dining room set featuring dining table with set of 8 chairs (2 arm).
Signed painting by Lan Yi. Other Artwork and Prints.
Diminutive sideboard, Mahogany with inlay.
Room size floral decorated carpet by Wilton Weave.
Fabulous shell inlaid chest on chest.
Pair of mahogany pineapple twin beds. Plus one more.
Custom Mahogany highboy.
Wonderful pair of drop leaf tables with double drawers. Continental origin.
Other small continental antique end tables and stands.
Fender Electric Guitar with Ampliflier. New and Never Used.
Restoration Hardware chest.
Kitchen table from Leonard’s. With set of 6 chairs from Pottery Barn.
Two sets of bar stools. 3 of each. One set in natural. One set in black.
Brown Jordan patio lounge chairs with ottomans.
Regulation size Ping Pong Table by Harvard.
High End Home Gym Fitness Equipment featuring Treadmill- Teradyne Fitness- Kurt.
Stair Machine- Diamond Back 1100 Series.
Exercise Bike- Diamond Back 1100 Series.
Weight bench with large selection of weights.
Plus more surprises.
Everything in pristine condition.
UPDATE: The Weber Grill has been withdrawn from the sale. https://www.estatesales.net/MA/Wellesley-Hills/02481/1133007
Also please visit us at Estatesales.net for more photos and info
Sale Hours: Friday (9-4) Saturday (9-3)
Check our website for updated information.
Please drive and park with caution. Follow and obey parking signs. Staff will be on hand to assist with carrying large items. Delivery service available on a limited basis for a nominal fee.
All sales are final. Items subject to error or omissions.
Entry numbers will be given out at 8 am. Sale starts at 9.
From Cliff Road, Turn onto Albion Road, Right onto Hampshire. Follow to end and you will be at Royalston Road.
From Weston Road, Turn onto Pilgrim Road, left on Westgate Road, Right onto Suffolk Road. 2nd left on Stanford Road to first right on Royalston Road.
All sales are final. Items subject to error or omissions.