AUGUST 21-22
Estate Sale Specialists will be conducting a fun filled fast paced two day estate sale in South Natick along the historic Charles River on Eliot Street.
The home filled with fine quality furnishings, decorative accessories – Antique- Vintage and Contemporary. A few specials surprises as well.
Highlights will include-
17 foot Coleman Canoe
Baldwin upright piano
Brunswick Pool Table- Richmond model
Large selection of Antique Porcelain and China which will include- Sevres, Limoges, Minton, Dresden, Foley and others. Also to be offered are a large hand painted Limoges Fish Platter as well as a Limoges platter with hand painted hunting scene.
Cut Glass, Art Glass and Crystal.
Living Room Furniture three piece sofa set by Lexington.
Toby mugs.
Old Mah jong set in case.
Large Mirrored Three Section cabinet system.
Exercise Equipment, Full size weight training system, weight bench and treadmill.
Vintage signs and collectibles.
Glass & Chrome Shelving and Tables. Dining Set with chairs, kitchen set with chairs.
Large iron bakers rack.
Two Bamboo three piece porch sets.
Books and Records.
Train Set with tracks and accessories, circa 1980’s.
Tons of Toys as well as a Foos Ball table.
Quality Patio furniture. Tables, umbrellas and chairs
Two Weber Gas Grills- one quite new!!!!
Electronics including Fisher speakers and systems,
Household and Garage items as well.
This is a partial listing, More to be added.
Sale hours: Friday (9-4) Saturday (9-3)
Please drive and park with caution and respect to the neighborhood. Eliot is a very busy street. Please drive and park with caution. No parking on this property. Driveway open only for pickup of large items. Park on Eliot Street or Everett Street. Thanks for your cooperation.
In association with Kenneth Van Blarcom. We look forward to seeing you there- Ellen and Joan.
Estate Sale Specialists
See the following sites for more information and photos
estatesalespecialists.com or http://www.EstateSales.NET/MA/Brookline/02445/953538