We are excited to offer for sale the contents of this fabulous Newton home. The interests of the owners are reflected by the variety and scope of the pieces in this home. A fun sale not to be missed.
FURNITURE: Most unusual “Gilded Age” Chest with folding leather drawers a late version of a “Wunderkammer”, Pair of overstuffed designer Chairs, Biedermeier Stool, Pair of custom upholstered Sofas, Other Sofas, Antique drop leaf Stand, Other side tables, Trefoil table with painted scene, Pair of Biedermeier Chairs, Pair of gilt French style Chairs, Lovely inlaid Buffet, Most unusual inlaid Cabinet smaller in statue with etched glass-Fantastic, High Style Antique French Ladies Desk with marble top and ormolu with Seat, Burled continental marble top Chest, Marble round Table, Fauteuils, Bedroom Set by Patina consisting of King Bed, End Tables and cabinet, office chairs…
ART: Important John LaFarge Watercolor “Off Viti Levu Sea and Desert Mountains:” Fiji 1891 (with Provenance), Oil ” In the Forest” by Otto Stark, Lake Scene in oil by L’Hermitte, Girl with Flowers” etching by Cilzooky, Equestrian Prints, “The Farm” (AP) Etching by Paul Colletty, Portraits, “Gold Digger” Poster from the 1930’s movie, Still Life, Oils…..
GLASS, CHINA, POTTERY: Baccarat Wines and Dishes, Waterford Lamp, Herend, Limoges Trinket Boxes, Blown Glass Vases, Blown Glass glass and other items including paperweights, Canton Platter, Canton Tureen, Wedegwood, Etched Stemware vintage, Large Collection of Majolica, Swedish Transjo Glasses and Bowl, Beautiful French Plates, Wedgewood Plates, Leedsware. Crown Ducal, Pair of Sevres Plates, Christine Viennet Plate, Pair of Minghetti Italian compotes, Set of 6 French Heraldry Plates, Set of 6 Hammersley plates ca. 1900, Lenox, Anne Goldman “First Snow’ Vase, German “Majolica”, Pair of Venetian Glass Vases…
LAMPS: Handel Multicolored Slag Glass Lamp in the Palm Tree Pattern (Gorgeous) signed top and base, Pair of White Oil type lamps, Waterford Lamp, Japanned Floor Lamp, Ornate carved floor lamp, Large desk top candle lamp,….
ITEMS OF INTEREST: Antique Cutlery Urn, Gilt Tapestry Fire Screen, Ansonia Carriage Clock, The Dalvey Voyager Clock, Antique Books, Art Books, Cook Books, other Books, Oriental Rugs, Nice hooked Runner, Brass Bucket, Pair of Tall Antique Shelf mirrors, Judaica, Map of Newton, Antique Japanned Sewing Box, Silver Plated Tea Set and Serving pieces, Set of Christofle Coasters, STEINWAY upright piano, mirrors, wonderful Bronze mother elephants with 2 babies, Carved Lapis Elephant, Carved Stone Elephant and baby by S. Chatsama, 4 antique carved fishing lures decoys, Record Albums mostly Rock and Roll, Costume Jewelry including sterling pieces, Yamaha electronics, Kitchenware including Le Creuset, Mixer, Small appliances, Entertaining, so much…
FUN, GAMES AND EXERCISE: Bally’s Capt. Fantastic, Elton John Pin Ball Machine with a signed note from Elton John, Super Planet Type A slot Machine, Life Fitness Elliptical, Concept II indoor rowing machine, Vintage Colnago RXL Bicycle, Scott Bicycle, Brand New Massage Table with Accessories…
OUTDOOR: Pair of Ornate Iron Garden Urns on Iron Stands, Large Garden pottery Jardinieres, Cement Urns, Four Seasons Autumn Garden Concrete Statue of Young Girl with Sheaf of Wheat.
For more photos please visit us at
Sale hours: 9-3
All Sales Final and/or subject to error or omission.
Credit cards accepted with a minimum purchase of $100.00
Please drive and park with caution and respect to the neighborhood.
Observe posted NO PARKING signs. Please do not block driveways.
Just getting started….
David Yurman Christmas Ornament.Sterling Silver cable ball. In original Neiman Marcus gift box.
Yeti Cooler
Two Cristofle stainless flatware sets. Collier and Trianon (missing teaspoons)
Pair of Bang & Olufson floor speakers and more electronics
List Policy. We do not post a list !!!
We do not post a list. If you choose to start a list or add your name to a list- It is your responsibility to monitor and maintain the list. We will in most cases honor the list you have started as long as there are no issues. We will hand out entry numbers on Friday morning beginning at 8 am. You must be present to get your number.
Sale opens at 9:00 am