Massive Hyde Park Three Day Estate Sale
Friday. Saturday, Sunday
May 20-21-22
The estate of Enrico Pinardi (1934-2021). Known to many as “Henry” as well as “Rico”. A lifelong Artist, Sculptor, Teacher and mentor to many.
Also featuring works of art by Brenda Pinardi. Late wife of Henry who passed away in 2010.
Henry and his wife (Artist) Gayle White lived in this wonderful mansard Victorian home filled on all four floors with a massive array of items. A very diversified and unique collection of well over 5000 items. In addition to the home, there is a three story carriage house which served as their studio. The studio will also be open and the contents as well will be sold.
Selections will include
Artwork and Sculpture by Henry Pinardi. Artwork by Brenda Pinardi and Gayle White as well as many others.
Asian Antiques, Japanese Woodblocks, Erotica, Bronzes, Buddhas
African carvings and sculpture
Maquettes (models by Henry Pinardi)
Dolls, Toys, Books,
Art supplies
Glassware, Pottery, China, Crystal
Sterling silver including Gorham flatware set
Jewelry including gold, sterling .925, vintage, costume and amber
Large Econo Kiln Potters Kiln
Oriental rugs
Collections of Crucifixes. Holy Water bottles, Icons
“Day of the Dead” retablos and figures,
Robots, Miniatures, Vintage toys, trains and games
Kachina Dolls, Totem poles
Many boxes, many unique
Hatpins and other small trinkets
Seashells, Geodes, Fossils
Folk Art, Carvings. Masks
Peruvian, Columbian and Italian pottery
Antiquities, Pre Columbian art, Latin American
Angels, Shrines, Carvings & Statues
Antique Copper Pans
Mexican Pottery. Acoma, Oaxacan and others
Antique and Vintage Bottles
Apothecary bottles
Pantry – Full !!!
Blue and White Export
Fishing Rods and Lures
Door stops
Roseville Pottery, Royal Bayreuth, Staffordshire Blue Willow
Memorabilia, Autographs, Advertising, Celebrity photos
Stained Glass
Folk art painted trunk ( in the manner of Cahoon). Brenda Pinardi was a niece of Ralph Cahoon. Some of her works are influenced by Cahoon.
Antique National Cash Register
Elvis Presley collectibles
Cabinets are full of collections of all types
Work benches and work tables
Vintage Christmas decorations including ornaments, crèche figures etc
Photos do not begin to tell the story as there is tons and tons more. Too much to believe. Many items will be sold in lots and groupings.
Artwork to be sold will also include works by family, friends, colleagues and students of Henry’s. Many of who he considered to be his “kids”.
Represented will be Works of Art by Enrico “Henry” Pinardi, Brenda Pinardi, Gayle White, Christian Goncalves, Gerry Perrino, Don Asmussen, Vincent DiMattio, Nick Palermo, Doug Bell, Jim Buonaccorsi, Thomas Donovan, Steve Smalley, John deMellin, Larry Sykes, Robert Swallow, Candace Walter, Fred Faudie, Jenny Lei Olsen, Arno Minkkenen photographs as well as many others.
Henry descended from a talented family of Artisans. Famed architect Libero Cecchini, Important Sculptor Ernesto Pellegrini.
An amazing collection with a vast assortment of items to be offered. This listing describes items by categories only. Much much more to be offered than can be listed.
See you there,
Joan and Ellen
All Sales Final and/or subject to error or omission.
Credit cards accepted with a minimum purchase of $100.00
Masks are encouraged. Social distancing is always encouraged.
Please drive and park with caution and respect to the neighborhood. Observe posted NO PARKING signs.
See you there,
Joan and Ellen
For frequent updates and photos- visit us at
List Policy. We do not post a list !!!
We do not post a list. If you choose to start a list or add your name to a list- It is your responsibility to monitor and maintain the list. We will in most cases honor the list you have started as long as there are no issues. We will hand out entry numbers on
Friday only beginning at 8 am. You must be present to get your number.
Sale opens at 9 am. Estate Sale Specialists is not responsible for any lists.